How can I invite participants to the book?
If you want to add participants to your Meminto Stories book, you can easily do so.
This way you can write a book with your partner, family or friends or just let them read along.
To share your book with others, click on the button with the people at the top right.

Select which access rights you would like to give to the other participants. You can either assign reading permissions or writing permissions.

Everyone who receives this link can contribute to your book!
Copy the link by clicking on the copy button on the right. (Alternatively, you can also generate a QR code).
Now you can send this link via e-mail or any messenger.
If you don't want to influence each other while writing, activate "Avoid influence when writing".
If you do not want the participants to add new questions to the book, deactivate "Ask questions". The participants are only able to answer the existing questions then.
To finish the process, click on "Save".
Everyone who receives this link can read the answers in your book!
Copy the link by clicking on the copy button on the right. (Alternatively, you can also generate a QR code).
Now you can send this link via e-mail or any messenger.
To finish the process, click on "Save".
The recipient of the link can simply click on the link.
There he can create his own Meminto account by entering his name, email and password.
On the home page of Meminto you can see how many people are participating in your book by looking at the number in the top right-hand corner.
Once all participants have reported back, you can deactivate the link by selecting "Sharing inactive". Thereby new participants will not be admitted. The old participants remain active.
Then click on "Save".
To manage the contributors, click on "Contributors" below.
Here you can see the current status of the contributors.
You can also edit their status by clicking on a contributor and selecting either "Can manage", "Can contribute" or "Can read".
"Can manage" means that the contributor has the same rights as you. He can therefore invite new people or change the questions.
You can also remove contributors by clicking on "Delete contributor".

You will then see the list of your participants. Click on the corresponding person who should receive administrative rights and change their rights in the dropdown field:

After you have added more participants to your book, or even before that, you can select the questions that should be answered. You have the option to delete questions or create new questions or headlines. Your participants or contributors can only adjust the questions (i.e., modify the wording) if you have made them administrators.
Please note that your participants may only see a preview of the book depending on their rights. However, they cannot change the layout and design of the book.
This way you can write a book with your partner, family or friends or just let them read along.
To share your book with others, click on the button with the people at the top right.

Select which access rights you would like to give to the other participants. You can either assign reading permissions or writing permissions.

Grant write permissions:
Everyone who receives this link can contribute to your book!
Copy the link by clicking on the copy button on the right. (Alternatively, you can also generate a QR code).
Now you can send this link via e-mail or any messenger.
If you don't want to influence each other while writing, activate "Avoid influence when writing".
If you do not want the participants to add new questions to the book, deactivate "Ask questions". The participants are only able to answer the existing questions then.
To finish the process, click on "Save".
Grant read permissions:
Everyone who receives this link can read the answers in your book!
Copy the link by clicking on the copy button on the right. (Alternatively, you can also generate a QR code).
Now you can send this link via e-mail or any messenger.
To finish the process, click on "Save".
The recipient of the link can simply click on the link.
There he can create his own Meminto account by entering his name, email and password.
On the home page of Meminto you can see how many people are participating in your book by looking at the number in the top right-hand corner.
Once all participants have reported back, you can deactivate the link by selecting "Sharing inactive". Thereby new participants will not be admitted. The old participants remain active.
Then click on "Save".
Manage contributors:
To manage the contributors, click on "Contributors" below.
Here you can see the current status of the contributors.
You can also edit their status by clicking on a contributor and selecting either "Can manage", "Can contribute" or "Can read".
"Can manage" means that the contributor has the same rights as you. He can therefore invite new people or change the questions.
You can also remove contributors by clicking on "Delete contributor".

Subsequent Adjustment of Participants' Rights
You will then see the list of your participants. Click on the corresponding person who should receive administrative rights and change their rights in the dropdown field:

After the invitation of participants
After you have added more participants to your book, or even before that, you can select the questions that should be answered. You have the option to delete questions or create new questions or headlines. Your participants or contributors can only adjust the questions (i.e., modify the wording) if you have made them administrators.
Please note that your participants may only see a preview of the book depending on their rights. However, they cannot change the layout and design of the book.
Updated on: 13/02/2025
Thank you!