Articles on: Writing my book
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Display options for participant responses

As soon as participants are involved in your book, the presentation of the answers changes. Here you can see how to adjust this.

Hide the name of the participant if there is only one answer

For each question or section, participants in your book can now add content and write answers. In your book, the name of the person who wrote that text is displayed by default before each text section. If a question has only one answer, you can hide the name. You can set this under "Layout & Printing":

Set separator between answers or hide names

Adjusting the Display of Your Name

Every participant can influence the display of their own name and adjust it. To do this, go to "My Books" and select "Print Settings." Then change your settings under "Your Name in the Book."

Adjust the representation of your name for the answers.

Updated on: 27/11/2024

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