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Inside page layout
Page break: Start a question on a new page
There are two types of page breaks in Meminto: Page breaks within an answer or a section Page breaks between individual questions 1. Page breaks within an answer or a section If you want to manually insert a page break within an answer of yours, this can be accomplished by adding the element "page break." Click on the green plus button to the left of a block. Choose Page break from the list at the very bottom. ( readersHow can I hide the questions or headings?
There is a simple setting that allows you to hide all headings/questions. This means that only the chapters/categories are printed (they also form the table of contents). Click on "Layout & Print", then go to step 2 on "Text settings". Activate the button "Do not print questions or headings". Do not forget to save at the end. Alternative way: Click on "My books", thenFew readersHow can Categories be formatted in the book?
Meminto helps you pay attention to all areas of your life by asking you structured questions categorized by topics, thereby reminding you of important events, experiences, and thoughts. 1. Category Presentation When creating a book, you can choose how the category titles are displayed on the inner pages of your book. You have two options to choose from: ( readers